
Thursday, August 9, 2012

Spiced Coconut Bites

        I used to view potlucks as a burden because it meant I had to come up with something to bring... Now I love them because it means I have to come up with something to bring! Today I went and saw a local circus group with my friends and we all brought a little something to munch on. Since we 'd be sitting on grass without a ton of space, I didn't want to bring something that needed napkins, plates, forks, etc. Instead, I made a dessert-ish finger food: Coconut balls.
        Inspired by Anja's recipe on Anja's Food 4 Thought, I used her basic recipe and spiced it up a little (literally). The result had a taste similar to cinnamon cookie dough (which was dangerously delicious), but without the excessive butter, refined sugar, and flour. The only issue I had with these little bites was that they were a little difficult to shape, as they are a little crumbly. However, I found that using a teaspoon as a mold was extremely helpful. These balls are great as a dessert, snack, or potluck item and are healthy in comparison to cookies, cakes, and other classic desserts. 
Spiced Coconut Bites
1 cup almond meal
1 cup coconut flakes
2T agave syrup
1t cinnamon
1t cardamom
1/2t vanilla extract
Extra coconut flakes and cocoa powder for coating

Step 1: Blend all ingredients in a food processor until completely mixed and mixture sticks together when compressed.

Step 2: Using a teaspoon or other round spoon, fill with dough and press until sticking together. Gently slide ball out of the spoon and carefully coat in either cocoa or coconut flakes. Once all dough has been shaped, serve immediately or refrigerate until ready to serve. 


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