
Thursday, January 3, 2013

The Barre Blog

As many of you may know by now, I've recently become an intern at Barre: A Real Food Barre. However, this is the first time I've mentioned it on this blog! I definitely should have shared it a long time ago. I'll do a more detailed post on Barres later, but I thought I'd share the Blog, Facebook, and Pinterest so you all can check it out!

My most recent post is on the benefits of eating dates. Since I've used them in a few of my recipes I figured it would be worth sharing here. So, This is why you should eat them!

The Blog:

Please, please, please check out the other social networking pages as well! This is a great small business that deserves a TON of attention. Better yet, buy some Barres! You won't be sorry. :)



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