
Friday, June 7, 2013

Foodie feature: Nutritional yeast! Vegan Cheezy Rosemary Chickpeas

Here's a recent Foodie Friday post from the company I blog for, Real Food Barre. Check them out at!

Nutritional yeast. Ever heard of it?
Despite its less than appealing name, this yeast comes from the same family as brewer’s yeast and baker’s yeast. The primary difference is that it’s inactive, so you can eat it without cooking it! It can be bought in small or larger flakes and has a nutty, cheesy flavor. I use it all the time as a topping for popcorn, pasta, salads, and cooked veggies. It’s honestly one of the most versatile seasonings around.
Like most foods I talk about on this blog, nutritional yeast is not only tasty, but has quite the array of health benefits. I referred to to learn more about them. Here’s a little bit of what holistic health coach Sarah Seinberg has to say about nutritional yeast…
~It’s a vegetarian source of B-12, which is something that vegetarians and vegans need to focus on incorporating into their diets.

~It’s high in protein, with a whopping 9 grams in 2 tablespoons!
~It’s high in fiber, which is great for digestion.

~It’s gluten free. Yay for allergy avoidance!
~It’s high in folic acid, which is good for cell maintenance and production, as well as being beneficial for pregnant women.

Now that you’re itching to boost your diet’s health factor with nutritional yeast, here’s an ultra healthy recipe for you to try! Thanks Anja’s Food For Thought for the basic recipe!

Vegan Cheezy Rosemary Chick Peas
Adapted from Anja's food for thought

2 cans unsalted chick peas, drained and rinsed
2.5 t olive oil

4 T nutritional yeast

3 T chopped fresh rosemary

Flower pepper or other freshly ground pepper, to taste

Step 1: Preheat oven to 375 degrees. Stir all ingredients together in a bowl until chick peas are thoroughly coated in mixture.

Step 2: Spread chick peas on a baking sheet lined with parchment paper in a single layer and bake for 75 minutes, or until crispy.

Enjoy them on your favorite salad or on their own!


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